Friday, January 29, 2010

Crazy Alice

This is her latest. She loves to take the vents off and put her feet in the hole. She especially likes to do this when the warm air is blowing out. Yes, I know this is a dangerous sport but I'm not sure how to get her to stop. She accidently fell in face first a while back and that wasn't too fun. It did detour her for awhile but she must have forgotten all about that incident because she is back at it.
In other news, Alice started walking. She was taking steps for quite awhile but didn't seem to really want to do it a lot until just after the new year. I guess she changed her mind at that point and decided 2010 needed to be seen on two feet instead of on all fours.
She has also become quite bossy with the new year. She can't really say much except for Mama and Dada but she is very vocal nonetheless. I'm sure it is a necessity with three older brothers. She yells all the time and she especially yells if she sees one of her brothers sitting on my lap or frankly just sitting too close to me. She will come right over and try and push the said brother away. The other day she used all of her body weight in order to have them move. The boys don't think it is as funny as we do.

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