Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Max Finishes 1st Grade

Of course these pictures are out of order. I always forget to up load them in the opposite order I want to show them. Oh well, Max's teacher got married in May down in St. George. We were down there for a Brian Reagan concert and so it worked out perfectly. Max was so excited about going and especially when he found the candy table...
Before Max's teacher got married, the 1st grade had their end of the year production. It was so cute. I got to sit on the front row right in front of him. He was pretty fun to watch.

These are pictures of the background (which I realize now are not the best. Sorry they are so blurry.). I had to take these because I was in charge of making this with a bunch of other moms. I must say I was not the brains behind it (there were some really creative mom's in the group) but it was really cool to be a part of it. We were all quite proud of ourselves when it was all said and done.

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