Thursday, March 12, 2009

St. George Trip

We had so much fun down in St. George last week. Neal had a conference for work so we made it a family affair. We've been doing this now for a couple years. It's a great time to spend time with my family and enjoy the beautiful weather. And the weather really was so great. It was so hard to come back to the cold and snow. We went outside and played everyday. The boys even decided to go to the park by themselves. It was pretty scary. I went to get ready because I knew they wanted to go. By the time I was ready, the boys were no where to be found. Luckily, the park is right behind my parents house and the street where they crossed isn't busy. The picture of Alice is with her cousin Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn just loved Alice. She asked all the time if you could hold her. She would just put her arms out and say "Alice? Baby Alice?" It was so cute. The golfing picture is of my brother Will. My two brothers and Neal decided to go the day Neal finished his conference. Like I said: Beautiful weather! Oh, how I love St. George! The pictures at the restaurant were at a place called Pirate Island. The boys were in heaven! Besides being Jedi Knights, their next chosen profession would have to be swash buckling pirates. It was a great little place. Tanner even said he had a dream about it that night. They all asked if they could go back the next day.
We also got plenty of Wii time in and even made a quick trip to Pine Valley to visit Mom and Dad's cabin.


KelliAnn Christensen said...

These pictures are darling. I want copies!! :) Kaitlyn asks about you guys all of the time--all of you, even Rachael and Neal. Of course, she is most concerned about where baby Alice is. :)

Rosalene said...

I had forgotten you were from St. George! Oh, it is beautiful this time of year. Love it. Being in humid Hong Kong has even made me think August in St. George isn't too bad, either! What does Neal do that took him down there?