Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Hope They Call me on a Mission

So my brothers are gone. We got to go see them off at the MTC. I'm so excited for them and proud of them for choosing to go. I thought this was a great picture with their nephews. They are both going to Argentina. Sam is going to Bueno Aires North and Russ is going to Neuquen. The boys still ask where they are when we go visit Grandma and Grandpa. I'm not sure if they get it yet.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

New House

As many of you know, we finally moved. We still haven't sold our town home but I think within the week we will be looking to rent it. So if you know anyone looking to rent, let us know. We also still don't have Internet at our new place. The city keeps putting us off. The latest was: "there is a conduit issue". Whatever that means. They could give us no definite time period as to when it will be resolved. So whenever I can get away for a minute, I come back to the townhouse to check email and pay bills. I usually have to bring the boys, so not much gets done because they are always finding some way to cause trouble, even in an empty house. So that is my excuse for such a long absence on the blogging.
But this is a picture of our new house. We walk to church and soon Max will walk to school in the fall. The neighborhood is great. We love it!